Scripture Reading - Titus 3:1-2 MKJV (Modern King James Version)

1 Put them in mind to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to every good work,
2 to speak evil of no one, not being quarrelsome, but forbearing, showing all meekness to all men.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. We have also looked at “Business Mode” for those relationships in which it is nothing personal just strictly mutual benefit. We have taught on “Employee Mode” which speaks to benefitting the company as a representative of Christ Jesus for the good will of all people. In our previous lesson we spoke about "Honoring Authoritative Relationships” because they are God ordained. However, in this lesson we will emphasize “submitting” to those over you in an “Authoritative Relationship”. Many people don’t understand just how challenging it is to “submit” to something that you disagree with or would prefer to handle a different way. We (ihlcc) say this because people like agreement because in agreement you are still having your own way. When you agree with the ideal or action plan you follow along easily. Most people at least want to voice their own opinion and reach a happy medium if the other person disagrees. However, when you totally agree with the decision of your boss your agreement makes it easier for you to follow (do, obey) their request. Many times a person in an “Authoritative Relationship” has a viewpoint based upon what is inside of their heart, not necessarily your heart. Sometimes their actions are based completely upon their own personal experience and other times they are only following a direct order from their own boss. So, just for the record, your boss’s boss is your boss also. Yes, everyone in the world (earth) has a boss because the ultimate boss is God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people think that they are their own boss but when those spiritually ignorant people leave this earth, through the experience known as death, they will quickly find out just how wrong they were upon entry to the kingdom of darkness (the gates of hell). We (ihlcc) pray that they make Jesus their Lord and Savoir because all who don’t will be subjects of the cruel taskmaster Satan (the devil). Yes, submission to those in authority over you has nothing to do with if you like their ideal (direction, goal, instructions) or not it has everything to do with obeying God’s Word. We know that all positions of good authority are ordained by God. Therefore, when you are following the instructions of your boss in obedience to his/her word you are actually submitting to the Word of God, as shown in today’s verse 1 of Titus 3. It is always the right thing to do in God’s Eyes because the scriptures tell us that there is no true submission or obedience when your heart is not right with your leaders. Yes, we should love our bosses (plural-all those over us) because we love God. This does not mean that you love them because they are a good person that makes wonderful decisions, but rather you love them because you love all people. Even when your boss makes a terrible decision you should “submit” to them as “submitting” unto the Lord for peace sake. Even though the Lord may not bless the decision He (the Lord Jesus) will always bless you for your obedience to His Word. Yes, we (ihlcc) have had bosses who made good decisions one day and a problematic (bad) decision the next day but we have “submitted” to the decisions we disagreed with solely because it is right in the eyes of God. So when you disagree with the direction of your leader just submit to them in all peacefulness (without revolt, grief or disrespect). Be sure, dear saint of God, you are not complaining or grumbling because that would not be right in the sight of God, just smile and be quiet as a good (humble) soldier of Christ. The Lord loves you so He never speaks evil of you, therefore we must do likewise by not speaking evil of those in authority over us. Simply submit to their will over yours for all things other than sin because that will allow you to keep a clear conscious unto the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. The Lord will always help you swallow a bitter decision (directive) if your taste buds are softened with the Holy Spirit of “Submission to those Authoritative Relationships” over you. Amen!